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Title 1 Pages

Contact Info:

Cami Cook

Federal Programs Director


  • What does “school-wide Title 1” mean?

    Bucklin Schools receive Federal money for our enrollment of free/reduced lunch numbers.  The money is used to improve academic achievement in reading and math. The Title 1 funds are used to hire paraprofessionals, improve curriculum, enhance parent involvement and extend learning time for students who need extra help.  These opportunities are provided to students throughout the school.

  • At  Bucklin Schools, a Title 1 school, parents and community members are welcome and invited to participate in the various activities and involvement options we have at our school.  We believe that active parent/community involvement is essential to ensure student academic success.  The following is a list of opportunities/activities for our school:
    · During each school year, we will have at least two Family nights.  These nights will focus on various learning areas: reading, writing, math, social studies and/or science.  Students attend with their parent(s) and both are invited to participate in the activities. Parents will receive helpful learning tips and activities to assist their children to succeed in school.
    · A newsletter is provided every month by the Principal and Title 1 Coordinator to keep parents informed of various school and district initiatives that are occurring in their children’s education.  This focus will allow parents to feel knowledgeable about what they see their child doing.  Community members can access our newsletter through our Bucklin Schools Web Site.
    · Our School Improvement Team (SIT)/Site Council meets once a month. The purpose of the Site Council is to serve as the foundation for actively involving the school community and parents in designing learning goals as well as innovative projects which enhance the educational experiences of our students.  This team creates reviews and evaluates the school improvement plan.
    · An introduction and invitation for parent involvement is offered by staff and during the spring Kindergarten Round-Up, the first day of school, open house, as well as throughout the school year to encourage parents and community members to be actively involved.
    · Bucklin Schools staff is available to communicate with parents through various methods: school and class newsletters, notes home, phone calls to parents, email, and if necessary, interpreters will be made available.  Parents are invited to provide input and assist in making decisions regarding their child’s education.
    · During our Annual Title 1 Meeting (October) the Title 1 Coordinator will explain the Title 1 Program, its requirements, and the parents right to know documents. A copy of the District Parent Involvement Policy will also be available at this time.  
    · Teachers at Bucklin Schools will be conducting Conferences in October and March.  The purpose of parent-teacher conferences is to provide a meaningful conversation with students and parents regarding students’ academic strengths and to set achievement goals and plans for the current school year.
    · SBRS—Standards Based Reporting System.  Teachers provide a report card to every student at semester break (January) and at the end of the year (May) and will indicate student progress towards meeting the Kansas State Standards.
    · Parents of incoming kindergarteners are invited to attend a spring “round-up” as well as a kindergartener “welcome to school” open house the day before the start of the regular school year.  Family school visits are encouraged during the start of the school year to help transition kindergarteners to full-day school.
    · Parents may receive other assessment reports throughout the year that informed them on their child’s progress towards their established goals. Each individual classroom has its own method of utilizing parent support depending on the needs of that particular classroom.  Parent/Community volunteers are welcome at Bucklin Schools.
  • As the 2024-2025 school year begins at Bucklin Schools we are ready to provide a quality education for all our students as classes start. Bucklin School has shifted from a Targeted Assisted Title 1 Building to a School Wide Title 1 Building. All students can receive services based on their individual needs. The program promotes improved instruction for all students and parental involvement in the planning and revising process. As a School Wide Title 1 school all parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualification of your child’s teacher or teacher’s aides. You may also request a copy of your child’s state assessment scores. If you are interested in acquiring this information please contact Amy Ricks at USD 459 Bucklin Schools.

  • The mission of the Title 1 Program at Bucklin Schools is to provide opportunities for students to meet the same challenging content and performance standards expected of all students. Our school is a federally funded school wide Title 1 school. Title 1 requires that schools create a positive, supportive learning environment that results in high levels of achievement for all students. Funds are available for academic programs and strategies, additional teachers and other personnel, staff development, materials, supplies, technology, and parent training. We look forward to working with you and your child to make school a rewarding experience.

Title IX Pages